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parts: LDraw 2008-01 update. This commit is the result of running LDraw0801.exe. The following installation options are selected: - Core parts library - Alias parts library - Physical colour parts library The following option is NOT selected: - Non re-distributable parts library This also adds models/note0801*.txt files which were added to subsequent updates for backward compatibility. Official release notes, quoted from ldraw.org: """ LDraw.org Library Update 2008-01 September 10, 2008 This release is complete re-issue of the official library, up to and including the last (2005-01) parts update, with the primary purpose of aligning the library with the Contributor Agreement. This clarifies the redistribution status of the part files within the library, and standardises the file headers. To this end, a total of 90 files have been excluded from the re-distributable library because we have been unable to contact the original author or persuade them to affirm the Contributor Agreement. The current community of LDraw part authors is working to re-create those parts so that they can be added to the re-distributable library in a subsequent parts update. In addition to separating the parts that are not re-distributable, We have taken the opportunity to separate two additional classes of part files and make their installation optional in a new Windows installation package. - Alias parts : generic colour versions of parts that are physically identical to parts in the core parts library, but have a different part number, either because of production differences between opaque and transparent parts or due to evolution of the part numbering scheme. - Physical colour parts : hard-coded colour versions of parts or composite parts. No new parts are included in this update, but its release does now make it possible to restart the more regular publication of additions to the library. Minor changes have been made to part descriptions as part of the header standardisation. """
2020-09-19 20:16:35 +02:00
0 Slope Brick 45 2 x 2 with Buttons and "1500" Pattern
0 Name: 3039p70.dat
0 Author: Jonathan Wilson [jonwil]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2003-01
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt
0 !KEYWORDS Town, Trains, gas station, gas pump, fuel pump, LED display
0 !CMDLINE -c15
0 !HISTORY 2003-03-12 [PTadmin] Official Update 2003-01
0 !HISTORY 2007-06-09 [PTadmin] Header formatted for Contributor Agreement
0 !HISTORY 2008-07-01 [PTadmin] Official Update 2008-01
1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\3039s01.dat
1 2 -8 3.0052 -13.0052 3 0 0 0 2.1213 2.1213 0 2.1213 -2.1213 4-4disc.dat
1 2 -16 3.0052 -13.0052 3 0 0 0 2.1213 2.1213 0 2.1213 -2.1213 4-4disc.dat
1 16 -16 3.0052 -13.0052 3 0 0 0 2.1213 2.1213 0 2.1213 -2.1213 4-4ndis.dat
1 16 -8 3.0052 -13.0052 3 0 0 0 2.1213 2.1213 0 2.1213 -2.1213 4-4ndis.dat
4 16 -11 0.8839 -10.8839 -13 0.8839 -10.8839 -13 5.1265 -15.1265 -11 5.1265 -15.1265
4 16 -20 0.8839 -10.8839 -5 0.8839 -10.8839 -5 0 -10 -20 0 -10
4 16 -20 0.8839 -10.8839 -19 0.8839 -10.8839 -19 5.1265 -15.1265 -20 5.1265 -15.1265
4 0 -9 7.0711 -17.0711 -2 7.0711 -17.0711 -2 9.7227 -19.7227 -9 9.7227 -19.7227
4 0 -12.75 7.0711 -17.0711 -12.75 9.7227 -19.7227 -19.5 9.7227 -19.7227 -19.5 7.0711 -17.0711
4 0 -12.75 13.435 -23.435 -12.75 10.7834 -20.7834 -19.5 10.7834 -20.7834 -19.5 13.435 -23.435
4 0 -9 13.435 -23.435 -9 10.7834 -20.7834 -2 10.7834 -20.7834 -2 13.435 -23.435
4 0 1.25 7.0711 -17.0711 8.25 7.0711 -17.0711 8.25 9.7227 -19.7227 1.25 9.7227 -19.7227
4 0 11.75 7.0711 -17.0711 18.75 7.0711 -17.0711 18.75 9.7227 -19.7227 11.75 9.7227 -19.7227
4 0 1.25 10.7834 -20.7834 8.25 10.7834 -20.7834 8.25 13.2583 -23.2583 1.25 13.2583 -23.2583
4 0 11.75 10.7834 -20.7834 11.75 13.2583 -23.2583 18.75 13.2583 -23.2583 18.75 10.7834 -20.7834
4 4 2 14.3189 -24.3189 19.5 14.3189 -24.3189 19.5 16.7938 -26.7938 2 16.7938 -26.7938
4 4 -1.5 14.3189 -24.3189 -1.5 16.7938 -26.7938 -19 16.7938 -26.7938 -19 14.3189 -24.3189
4 16 -9 10.7834 -20.7834 -9 13.435 -23.435 -12.75 13.435 -23.435 -12.75 10.7834 -20.7834
4 16 -9 10.7834 -20.7834 -9 7.0711 -17.0711 -12.75 7.0711 -17.0711 -12.75 10.7834 -20.7834
4 16 -12.75 10.7834 -20.7834 -19.5 10.7834 -20.7834 -19.5 9.7227 -19.7227 -12.75 9.7227 -19.7227
4 16 -19.5 7.0711 -17.0711 -20 7.0711 -17.0711 -20 13.435 -23.435 -19.5 13.435 -23.435
4 16 -20 13.435 -23.435 -20 14.3189 -24.3189 -12.75 14.3189 -24.3189 -12.75 13.435 -23.435
4 16 -12.75 13.435 -23.435 -9 13.435 -23.435 -9 14.3189 -24.3189 -12.75 14.3189 -24.3189
4 16 -9 13.435 -23.435 -2 13.435 -23.435 -2 14.3189 -24.3189 -9 14.3189 -24.3189
4 16 -20 14.3189 -24.3189 -19 14.3189 -24.3189 -19 16.7938 -26.7938 -20 16.7938 -26.7938
4 16 -19 16.7938 -26.7938 -19 19.9758 -29.9758 -20 20 -30 -20 16.7938 -26.7938
4 16 -19 16.7938 -26.7938 -19 19.9758 -29.9758 -1.5 19.9758 -29.9758 -1.5 16.7938 -26.7938
4 16 -5 5.1265 -15.1265 -5 7.0711 -17.0711 -20 7.0711 -17.0711 -20 5.1265 -15.1265
4 16 -5 0 -10 -1.75 0 -10 -1.75 7.0711 -17.0711 -5 7.0711 -17.0711
4 16 -2 9.7227 -19.7227 -2 10.7834 -20.7834 -9 10.7834 -20.7834 -9 9.7227 -19.7227
4 16 -1.75 0 -10 -1.75 0.7071 -10.7071 20 0.7071 -10.7071 20 0 -10
4 16 19.5 0.7071 -10.7071 20 0.7071 -10.7071 20 5.6569 -15.6569 19.5 5.6569 -15.6569
4 16 20 5.6569 -15.6569 20 7.0711 -17.0711 -1.75 7.0711 -17.0711 -1.75 5.6569 -15.6569
4 16 -2 7.0711 -17.0711 1.25 7.0711 -17.0711 1.25 9.7227 -19.7227 -2 9.7227 -19.7227
4 16 -2 9.7227 -19.7227 8.25 9.7227 -19.7227 8.25 10.7834 -20.7834 -2 10.7834 -20.7834
4 16 -2 10.7834 -20.7834 -2 14.3189 -24.3189 1.25 14.3189 -24.3189 1.25 10.7834 -20.7834
4 16 8.25 7.0711 -17.0711 8.25 13.2583 -23.2583 11.75 13.2583 -23.2583 11.75 7.0711 -17.0711
4 16 1.25 14.3189 -24.3189 1.25 13.2583 -23.2583 18.75 13.2583 -23.2583 18.75 14.3189 -24.3189
4 16 18.75 14.3189 -24.3189 20 14.3189 -24.3189 20 7.0711 -17.0711 18.75 7.0711 -17.0711
4 16 18.75 9.7227 -19.7227 18.75 10.7834 -20.7834 11.75 10.7834 -20.7834 11.75 9.7227 -19.7227
4 16 2 14.3189 -24.3189 -1.5 14.3189 -24.3189 -1.5 19.9758 -29.9758 2 19.9758 -29.9758
4 16 2 19.9758 -29.9758 20 20 -30 20 16.7938 -26.7938 2 16.7938 -26.7938
4 16 19.5 14.3189 -24.3189 20 14.3189 -24.3189 20 16.7938 -26.7938 19.5 16.7938 -26.7938
1 4 18.5 4.9497 -14.9497 1 0 0 0 0.7071 0.7071 0 0.7071 -0.7071 1-4disc.dat
1 4 18.5 1.4142 -11.4142 0 0 1 -0.7071 0.7071 0 0.7071 0.7071 0 1-4disc.dat
1 4 -0.75 4.9497 -14.9497 0 0 -1 0.7071 0.7071 0 -0.7071 0.7071 0 1-4disc.dat
1 4 -0.75 1.4142 -11.4142 -1 0 0 0 0.7071 -0.7071 0 0.7071 0.7071 1-4disc.dat
4 4 18.5 1.4142 -11.4142 18.5 4.9497 -14.9497 19.5 4.9497 -14.9497 19.5 1.4142 -11.4142
1 16 18.5 4.9497 -14.9497 1 0 0 0 0.7071 0.7071 0 0.7071 -0.7071 1-4ndis.dat
1 16 18.5 1.4142 -11.4142 0 0 1 -0.7071 0.7071 0 0.7071 0.7071 0 1-4ndis.dat
1 16 -0.75 1.4142 -11.4142 -1 0 0 0 0.7071 -0.7071 0 0.7071 0.7071 1-4ndis.dat
1 16 -0.75 4.9497 -14.9497 0 0 -1 0.7071 0.7071 0 -0.7071 0.7071 0 1-4ndis.dat
4 4 18.5 1.4142 -11.4142 8 1.4142 -11.4142 8 0.7071 -10.7071 18.5 0.7071 -10.7071
4 4 17 1.4142 -11.4142 17 1.7678 -11.7678 16.75 1.7678 -11.7678 16.75 1.4142 -11.4142
4 4 16.75 1.7678 -11.7678 16.75 5.6569 -15.6569 18.5 5.6569 -15.6569 18.5 1.7678 -11.7678
4 4 18.5 1.7678 -11.7678 18.5 1.4142 -11.4142 17 1.4142 -11.4142 17 1.7678 -11.7678
4 4 16 1.9445 -11.9445 13.5 1.9445 -11.9445 13.5 5.1265 -15.1265 16 5.1265 -15.1265
4 4 10.75 1.9445 -11.9445 8.25 1.9445 -11.9445 8.25 5.1265 -15.1265 10.75 5.1265 -15.1265
4 4 12.75 5.6569 -15.6569 12.75 1.4142 -11.4142 11.5 1.4142 -11.4142 11.5 5.6569 -15.6569
4 4 7.25 1.4142 -11.4142 7.25 5.6569 -15.6569 7.5 5.6569 -15.6569 7.5 1.4142 -11.4142
1 0 6.5 4.9497 -14.9497 0 0 -0.75 0.5303 0.5303 0 -0.5303 0.5303 0 4-4disc.dat
1 4 6.5 4.9497 -14.9497 0 0 -0.75 0.5303 0.5303 0 -0.5303 0.5303 0 4-4ndis.dat
4 4 5.75 5.4801 -15.4801 7.25 5.4801 -15.4801 7.25 5.6569 -15.6569 5.75 5.6569 -15.6569
4 4 7.25 1.4142 -11.4142 7.25 0.7071 -10.7071 8 0.7071 -10.7071 8 1.4142 -11.4142
4 4 5.75 4.4194 -14.4194 7.25 4.4194 -14.4194 7.25 0.7071 -10.7071 5.75 0.7071 -10.7071
4 0 10.75 1.9445 -11.9445 10.75 1.4142 -11.4142 8.25 1.4142 -11.4142 8.25 1.9445 -11.9445
4 0 13.5 1.9445 -11.9445 13.5 1.4142 -11.4142 16 1.4142 -11.4142 16 1.9445 -11.9445
3 4 16.75 5.1265 -15.1265 16.75 5.6569 -15.6569 16 5.6569 -15.6569
3 4 12.75 5.1265 -15.1265 12.75 5.6569 -15.6569 13.5 5.6569 -15.6569
3 4 11.5 5.1265 -15.1265 11.5 5.6569 -15.6569 10.75 5.6569 -15.6569
3 4 7.5 5.1265 -15.1265 7.5 5.6569 -15.6569 8.25 5.6569 -15.6569
3 4 8.25 1.4142 -11.4142 7.5 1.4142 -11.4142 7.5 1.9445 -11.9445
3 4 11.5 1.4142 -11.4142 11.5 1.9445 -11.9445 10.75 1.4142 -11.4142
3 4 12.75 1.4142 -11.4142 13.5 1.4142 -11.4142 12.75 1.9445 -11.9445
3 4 16 1.4142 -11.4142 16.75 1.4142 -11.4142 16.75 1.9445 -11.9445
3 0 12.75 1.9445 -11.9445 13.5 1.4142 -11.4142 13.5 1.9445 -11.9445
3 0 16 1.4142 -11.4142 16.75 1.9445 -11.9445 16 1.9445 -11.9445
3 0 10.75 1.4142 -11.4142 11.5 1.9445 -11.9445 10.75 1.9445 -11.9445
3 0 8.25 1.4142 -11.4142 8.25 1.9445 -11.9445 7.5 1.9445 -11.9445
4 4 2.5 1.9445 -11.9445 5.75 1.9445 -11.9445 5.75 3.182 -13.182 2.5 3.182 -13.182
4 4 5.5 3.8891 -13.8891 5.75 3.8891 -13.8891 5.75 4.9497 -14.9497 5.5 4.9497 -14.9497
4 4 4.5 4.9497 -14.9497 0 4.9497 -14.9497 0 3.8891 -13.8891 4.5 3.8891 -13.8891
4 4 1.5 3.182 -13.182 1.5 3.8891 -13.8891 0 3.8891 -13.8891 0 3.182 -13.182
4 4 0 3.182 -13.182 0 0.7071 -10.7071 1.5 0.7071 -10.7071 1.5 3.182 -13.182
4 4 1.5 1.2374 -11.2374 5.75 1.2374 -11.2374 5.75 0.7071 -10.7071 1.5 0.7071 -10.7071
4 4 -0.75 0.7071 -10.7071 0 0.7071 -10.7071 0 1.4142 -11.4142 -0.75 1.4142 -11.4142
4 4 -0.75 1.4142 -11.4142 -0.75 4.9497 -14.9497 -1.75 4.9497 -14.9497 -1.75 1.4142 -11.4142
4 4 5.5 3.8891 -13.8891 5.5 3.182 -13.182 5.75 3.182 -13.182 5.75 3.8891 -13.8891
4 4 5.5 4.9497 -14.9497 5.5 5.6569 -15.6569 5.75 5.6569 -15.6569 5.75 4.9497 -14.9497
3 4 4.5 3.182 -13.182 5.5 3.182 -13.182 5.5 3.8891 -13.8891
3 4 1.5 3.182 -13.182 2.5 3.8891 -13.8891 1.5 3.8891 -13.8891
3 4 1.5 1.2374 -11.2374 2.5 1.2374 -11.2374 1.5 1.9445 -11.9445
3 0 0 1.9445 -11.9445 -0.75 1.9445 -11.9445 -0.375 1.6794 -11.6794
3 0 0 3.182 -13.182 -0.375 3.4471 -13.4471 -0.75 3.182 -13.182
3 0 -0.375 3.4471 -13.4471 -0.75 3.7123 -13.7123 0 3.7123 -13.7123
3 0 0 4.9497 -14.9497 -0.375 5.2149 -15.2149 -0.75 4.9497 -14.9497
4 0 -0.75 4.9497 -14.9497 -0.75 3.7123 -13.7123 0 3.7123 -13.7123 0 4.9497 -14.9497
4 0 -0.75 3.182 -13.182 -0.75 1.9445 -11.9445 0 1.9445 -11.9445 0 3.182 -13.182
4 0 2.5 1.9445 -11.9445 2.5 1.2374 -11.2374 4.5 1.2374 -11.2374 4.5 1.9445 -11.9445
4 0 2.5 1.2374 -11.2374 2.5 3.8891 -13.8891 1.5 3.182 -13.182 1.5 1.9445 -11.9445
4 0 4.5 3.182 -13.182 4.5 3.8891 -13.8891 2.5 3.8891 -13.8891 2.5 3.182 -13.182
4 0 4.5 3.182 -13.182 4.5 5.5685 -15.5685 5.5 4.9497 -14.9497 5.5 3.8891 -13.8891
4 0 4.5 5.5685 -15.5685 2.5 5.5685 -15.5685 2.5 4.9497 -14.9497 4.5 4.9497 -14.9497
3 0 2.5 5.5685 -15.5685 2.125 5.3033 -15.3033 2.5 4.9497 -14.9497
3 0 4.5 1.9445 -11.9445 4.875 1.591 -11.591 4.5 1.2374 -11.2374
3 4 5.5 4.9497 -14.9497 5.5 5.6569 -15.6569 4.5 5.5685 -15.5685
3 4 -0.375 5.2149 -15.2149 -0.75 5.6569 -15.6569 -0.75 4.9497 -14.9497
3 4 -0.375 5.2149 -15.2149 0 4.9497 -14.9497 2.5 4.9497 -14.9497
3 4 2.125 5.3033 -15.3033 2.5 4.9497 -14.9497 -0.375 5.2149 -15.2149
3 4 -0.375 5.2149 -15.2149 -0.75 5.6569 -15.6569 2.125 5.3033 -15.3033
3 4 2.125 5.3033 -15.3033 2.5 5.5685 -15.5685 -0.75 5.6569 -15.6569
4 4 5.5 5.6569 -15.6569 4.5 5.5685 -15.5685 2.5 5.5685 -15.5685 -0.75 5.6569 -15.6569
3 0 16.375 3.5355 -13.5355 16.75 3.2704 -13.2704 16 3.2704 -13.2704
3 0 16.375 3.5355 -13.5355 16 3.8007 -13.8007 16.75 3.8007 -13.8007
3 0 13.125 3.5355 -13.5355 13.5 3.2704 -13.2704 12.75 3.2704 -13.2704
3 0 13.125 3.5355 -13.5355 12.75 3.8007 -13.8007 13.5 3.8007 -13.8007
3 0 11.125 3.5355 -13.5355 11.5 3.2704 -13.2704 10.75 3.2704 -13.2704
3 0 11.125 3.5355 -13.5355 10.75 3.8007 -13.8007 11.5 3.8007 -13.8007
3 0 7.875 3.5355 -13.5355 8.25 3.2704 -13.2704 7.5 3.2704 -13.2704
3 0 7.875 3.5355 -13.5355 7.5 3.8007 -13.8007 8.25 3.8007 -13.8007
3 4 16.75 5.1265 -15.1265 16 5.5685 -15.5685 16 5.6569 -15.6569
3 4 13.5 5.6569 -15.6569 13.5 5.5685 -15.5685 12.75 5.1265 -15.1265
3 4 10.75 5.6569 -15.6569 10.75 5.5685 -15.5685 11.5 5.1265 -15.1265
3 4 8.25 5.6569 -15.6569 8.25 5.5685 -15.5685 7.5 5.1265 -15.1265
4 4 8.25 5.5685 -15.5685 10.75 5.5685 -15.5685 10.75 5.6569 -15.6569 8.25 5.6569 -15.6569
4 4 13.5 5.5685 -15.5685 13.5 5.6569 -15.6569 16 5.6569 -15.6569 16 5.5685 -15.5685
4 0 16.75 5.1265 -15.1265 12.75 5.1265 -15.1265 13.5 5.5685 -15.5685 16 5.5685 -15.5685
4 0 11.5 5.1265 -15.1265 10.75 5.5685 -15.5685 8.25 5.5685 -15.5685 7.5 5.1265 -15.1265
4 0 7.5 5.1265 -15.1265 7.5 3.8007 -13.8007 8.25 3.8007 -13.8007 8.25 5.1265 -15.1265
4 0 10.75 5.1265 -15.1265 11.5 5.1265 -15.1265 11.5 3.8007 -13.8007 10.75 3.8007 -13.8007
4 0 12.75 3.8007 -13.8007 13.5 3.8007 -13.8007 13.5 5.1265 -15.1265 12.75 5.1265 -15.1265
4 0 16 5.1265 -15.1265 16.75 5.1265 -15.1265 16.75 3.8007 -13.8007 16 3.8007 -13.8007
4 0 16 3.2704 -13.2704 16 1.9445 -11.9445 16.75 1.9445 -11.9445 16.75 3.2704 -13.2704
4 0 13.5 3.2704 -13.2704 13.5 1.9445 -11.9445 12.75 1.9445 -11.9445 12.75 3.2704 -13.2704
4 0 11.5 3.2704 -13.2704 11.5 1.9445 -11.9445 10.75 1.9445 -11.9445 10.75 3.2704 -13.2704
4 0 8.25 3.2704 -13.2704 8.25 1.9445 -11.9445 7.5 1.9445 -11.9445 7.5 3.2704 -13.2704
3 4 16.375 3.5355 -13.5355 16.75 3.8007 -13.8007 16.75 3.2704 -13.2704
3 4 16 3.2704 -13.2704 16 3.8007 -13.8007 16.375 3.5355 -13.5355
3 4 13.5 3.2704 -13.2704 13.5 3.8007 -13.8007 13.125 3.5355 -13.5355
3 4 13.125 3.5355 -13.5355 12.75 3.8007 -13.8007 12.75 3.2704 -13.2704
3 4 11.5 3.2704 -13.2704 11.5 3.8007 -13.8007 11.125 3.5355 -13.5355
3 4 11.125 3.5355 -13.5355 10.75 3.2704 -13.2704 10.75 3.8007 -13.8007
3 4 8.25 3.8007 -13.8007 7.875 3.5355 -13.5355 8.25 3.2704 -13.2704
3 4 7.5 3.2704 -13.2704 7.875 3.5355 -13.5355 7.5 3.8007 -13.8007
3 4 4.5 1.9445 -11.9445 4.875 1.591 -11.591 5.75 1.9445 -11.9445
3 4 5.75 1.9445 -11.9445 5.75 1.2374 -11.2374 4.875 1.591 -11.591
3 4 4.875 1.591 -11.591 4.5 1.2374 -11.2374 5.75 1.2374 -11.2374
3 4 0 3.7123 -13.7123 -0.375 3.4471 -13.4471 0 3.182 -13.182
3 4 -0.75 3.182 -13.182 -0.375 3.4471 -13.4471 -0.75 3.7123 -13.7123
3 4 -0.75 1.9445 -11.9445 -0.375 1.6794 -11.6794 -0.75 1.4142 -11.4142
3 4 -0.75 1.4142 -11.4142 0 1.4142 -11.4142 -0.375 1.6794 -11.6794
3 4 -0.375 1.6794 -11.6794 0 1.9445 -11.9445 0 1.4142 -11.4142
0 Pattern created wholly or in part by Quad2Dat
0 Thanks James