# mklist mklist v1.6 20100706 (C) 1999-2010 Lars C. Hassing. Replacement for James Jessiman's makelist ### What does it do? It parses the `ldraw/parts` folder to produce a text file with all available parts. ### Obtaining mklist binaries The included [`mklist.exe`](../mklist.exe) file is obtained from the official LDraw archives, for full compatibility with the official parts archive. To build it from source instead, run: ``` make ``` ### Usage `mklist options` Options: - -h: You already figured this one out :-) - -n: Sort by Number - -d: Sort by Description - -c: Check for duplicate descriptions. "parts.lst" unchanged. - -m: Don't skip parts with "~Moved to xxx" description - -~: Skip parts with ~ description, e.g. "~Winch 2 x 4 x 2 Top" - -i `