LDraw.org Parts Update 2012-02

Redistributable Parts Library - Core Library

Notes created Thu Aug  9 14:38:36 2012 by the Parts Tracker.

Release statistics:
   Total files: 740 (+ 445 files with header only changes to author names)
   New files: 579
   New parts: 348
   New subparts: 172
   New primitives: 34
   New hi-res primitives: 25

New 3-digit part numbers assigned:
   185.dat ~Boat Section Middle  6 x  8 x  3.333 Hull
   186.dat ~Boat Section Middle  6 x  8 x  3.333 Deck
   187.dat ~Electric Train Pole Reverser Directional Tab
   574.dat Tyre 10/130 x 17 Offset Tread for Technic Gear 9 Tooth
   584.dat Technic Bush with One Flange
   958.dat Umbrella  8 x  8 with Square Tabs

Moved Parts
   2739B.DAT                  ~Moved to 32005
   30027.DAT                  ~Moved to 30027a
   44375.DAT                  ~Moved to 44375a
   6246A.DAT                  ~Moved to 55298
   6246B.DAT                  ~Moved to 55295
   6246D.DAT                  ~Moved to 55300
   6246E.DAT                  ~Moved to 55299
   6542.DAT                   ~Moved to 6542a
   970C63.DAT                 ~Moved to 3815c63
   970CS5.DAT                 ~Moved to 3815cs5
   970P63.DAT                 ~Moved to 3815p63
   970PS5.DAT                 ~Moved to 3815ps5
   971P63.DAT                 ~Moved to 3816p63
   971PS5.DAT                 ~Moved to 3816ps5
   972P63.DAT                 ~Moved to 3817p63

Renamed Parts
   4-4RING9.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  9 x 1
   changed to    Hi-Res Ring  9 x 1.0

   TYPESTS4.DAT               Type Stencil Symbol Dollar 
   changed to    Type Stencil Symbol Dollar

   2336.DAT                   Space Nose
   changed to    Wedge  2 x  3 with Brick  2 x  4 Side Studs and Plate  2 x  2

   2336P68.DAT                Space Nose with MTron Logo Pattern
   changed to    Wedge  2 x  3 with Brick  2 x  4 with MTron Logo Pattern

   2431PS0.DAT                Tile  1 x  4 with Black Symbols Pattern
   changed to    Tile  1 x  4 with SW Black Naboo Symbols Pattern

   2546.DAT                   Animal Bird
   changed to    Animal Parrot

   2695.DAT                   Wheel Hub 12.8 x 30 Stepped
   changed to    Wheel Rim 12.7 x 30 Stepped

   2696.DAT                   Tyre Model Team
   changed to    Tyre 12.7/ 51 x 30

   2876.DAT                   Train Roof  6 x  6 Double Slope 45 / Slope 33
   changed to    Slope Brick 33/45  6 x  6 with  4 x  4 Cutout

   2942.DAT                   ~Technic Pneumatic Cylinder 1 x 1
   changed to    ~Technic Pneumatic Cylinder 1 x 1 for Pump 5.5L

   30028.DAT                  Tyre 14 x  8 Slick Smooth
   changed to    Tyre  8/ 40 x  8 Slick Smooth

   30198.DAT                  Grab Jaw Holder with Handle
   changed to    Arm Piece Grab Jaw Holder with Handle

   30413.DAT                  Panel  1 x  4 x  1
   changed to    Panel  1 x  4 x  1 with Rounded Corners

   33211.DAT                  Wheel Spoked  5 & 1/2 x  5 & 1/2
   changed to    Wheel  3.2 x 43 with 10 Spokes Wooden

   33212.DAT                  Wheel Spoked  7 x  7
   changed to    Wheel  3.2 x 56 with 10 Spokes Wooden

   3713.DAT                   Technic Bush
   changed to    Technic Bush with Two Flanges

   3846P4G.DAT                Minifig Shield Triangular with Blue Lion on Yellow Background
   changed to    Minifig Shield Triangular with Blue Lion on Yellow Pattern

   3846P4H.DAT                Minifig Shield Triangular with Yellow Lion on Blue Background
   changed to    Minifig Shield Triangular with Yellow Lion on Blue Pattern

   4221.DAT                   Grab Jaw
   changed to    Arm Piece Grab Jaw

   4424.DAT                   Barrel  4 & 1/2 x  4 & 1/2 
   changed to    Barrel  4.5 x  4.5

   45677.DAT                  Wedge  4 x  4 x  2/3 Curved
   changed to    Wedge  4 x  4 x  0.667 Curved

   4600.DAT                   Plate  2 x  2 with Wheels Holder
   changed to    Plate  2 x  2 with Wheel Holder

   4624.DAT                   Wheel Centre Small
   changed to    Wheel Rim  6.4 x  8

   51858.DAT                  Crane Basket  3 x  2 x  2 with Locking Hinge
   changed to    Crane Basket  3 x  2 x  2 with Click Lock Hinge

   585.DAT                    Technic Bush Old Type 2
   changed to    Technic Bush with Three Flanges

   6029A.DAT                  Animal Cattlehorns (needs work)
   changed to    Animal Cattlehorns

   6177PS1.DAT                Tile  8 x  8 Round with  2 x  2 Center Studs & SW Grille Pattern
   changed to    Tile  8 x  8 Round with  2 x  2 Studs and Grille Pattern

   6248.DAT                   Wheel Basic with 4 Studs and Technic Peghole
   changed to    Wheel Rim 10 x 17.4 with 4 Studs and Technic Peghole

   63082.DAT                  Plate  2 x  2 with Towball Socket and Axlehole
   changed to    Plate  2 x  2 with Square Towball Socket and Axlehole

   74982A.DAT                 Technic Pneumatic Pump 1 x 1 (Retracted)
   changed to    Technic Pneumatic Pump 1 x 1 5.5L (Retracted)

   74982B.DAT                 Technic Pneumatic Pump 1 x 1 (Extended)
   changed to    Technic Pneumatic Pump 1 x 1 5.5L (Extended)

   93095.DAT                  Panel  1 x  2 x  1 with Thin Central Divider
   changed to    Panel  1 x  2 x  1 with Thin Central Divider and Rounded Corners

   973PS5.DAT                 Minifig Torso with SW Black Vest & White Shirt Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Torso with SW Vest, White Shirt & Yellow Neck Pattern

   973PS6.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Old Obi-Wan Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Torso with SW Ben Kenobi Pattern

   973PSE.DAT                 Minifig Torso with SW Scout Trooper Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Torso with SW Scout Trooper Grey Pattern

   2336S01.DAT                ~Space Nose Missing Decoration Area
   changed to    ~Wedge  2 x  3 w. Brick  2 x  4 + Plate  2 x  2 without Front

   4424S01.DAT                ~Barrel  4 & 1/2 x  4 & 1/2 - 1/18 Segment
   changed to    ~Barrel  4.5 x  4.5 - 1/18

   44375S01.DAT               ~Dish  6 x  6 Inverted without Top Faces (needs work)
   changed to    ~Dish  6 x  6 Inverted without Top Faces (Needs Work)

Other Fixed Parts
   1-4CHRD.DAT                Chord 0.25
   1-4CHRD.DAT                Hi-Res Chord 0.25
   1-4CON1.DAT                Hi-Res Cone  1 x 0.25
   1-4CON16.DAT               Hi-Res Cone 16 x 0.25
   1-4CON2.DAT                Hi-Res Cone  2 x 0.25
   1-4CON21.DAT               Hi-Res Cone 21 x 0.25
   1-4CON23.DAT               Hi-Res Cone 23 x 0.25
   1-4CON3.DAT                Hi-Res Cone  3 x 0.25
   1-4CON41.DAT               Hi-Res Cone 41 x 0.25
   1-4CON5.DAT                Hi-Res Cone  5 x 0.25
   1-4CON52.DAT               Hi-Res Cone 52 x 0.25
   1-4RIN10.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 10 x 0.25
   1-4RIN14.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 14 x 0.25
   1-4RIN19.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 19 x 0.25
   1-4RIN20.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 20 x 0.25
   1-4RIN38.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 38 x 0.25
   1-4RIN39.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 39 x 0.25
   1-4RING2.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  2 x 0.25
   1-4RING3.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  3 x 0.25
   1-4RING4.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  4 x 0.25
   1-4RING5.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  5 x 0.25
   1-4RING6.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  6 x 0.25
   1-4RING7.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  7 x 0.25
   1-4RING9.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  9 x 0.25
   1-6CYLI.DAT                Hi-Res Cylinder 0.1667
   1-8NDIS.DAT                Hi-Res Disc Negative 0.125
   1-8RING9.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  9 x 0.125
   1-8SPHE.DAT                Hi-Res Sphere 0.125
   2-4RIN31.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 31 x 0.5
   2-4RING3.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  3 x 0.5
   3-16CYLI.DAT               Hi-Res Cylinder 0.1875
   3-16NDIS.DAT               Hi-Res Disc Negative 0.1875
   3-4EDGE.DAT                Hi-Res Circle 0.75
   4-4CON1.DAT                Hi-Res Cone  1 x 1.0
   4-4CON2.DAT                Hi-Res Cone  2 x 1.0
   4-4CYLI.DAT                Hi-Res Cylinder 1.0
   4-4DISC.DAT                Hi-Res Disc 1.0
   4-4NDIS.DAT                Hi-Res Disc Negative 1.0
   4-4RIN11.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 11 x 1.0
   4-4RIN12.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 12 x 1.0
   4-4RIN13.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 13 x 1.0
   4-4RIN16.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 16 x 1.0
   4-4RIN19.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 19 x 1.0
   4-4RIN37.DAT               Hi-Res Ring 37 x 1.0
   4-4RING1.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  1 x 1.0
   4-4RING2.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  2 x 1.0
   4-4RING3.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  3 x 1.0
   4-4RING4.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  4 x 1.0
   4-4RING7.DAT               Hi-Res Ring  7 x 1.0
   4-8SPHE.DAT                Hi-Res Sphere 0.5
   TYPESTN0.DAT               Type Stencil Number 0
   TYPESTN5.DAT               Type Stencil Number 5
   TYPESTUA.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case A
   TYPESTUB.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case B
   TYPESTUD.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case D
   TYPESTUE.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case E
   TYPESTUF.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case F
   TYPESTUH.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case H
   TYPESTUI.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case I
   TYPESTUK.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case K
   TYPESTUL.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case L
   TYPESTUM.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case M
   TYPESTUN.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case N
   TYPESTUO.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case O
   TYPESTUR.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case R
   TYPESTUS.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case S
   TYPESTUT.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case T
   TYPESTUV.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case V
   TYPESTUW.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case W
   TYPESTUY.DAT               Type Stencil Upper Case Y
   2431P79.DAT                Tile  1 x  4 with 5 Red Stripes Pattern
   2577.DAT                   Brick  4 x  4 Corner Round
   30208.DAT                  Hemisphere  4 x  4 Multifaceted
   3626BP7A.DAT               Minifig Head with Brown Hair over Eye and Black Eyebrows Pattern
   3626BPS3.DAT               Minifig Head with SW Small Black Eyebrows Pattern
   3626BPS5.DAT               Minifig Head with SW Smirk and Brown Eyebrows Pattern
   3626BPS9.DAT               Minifig Head with SW Brown Eyebrows and Beard Pattern
   3626BPSE.DAT               Minifig Head with SW Scout Trooper Black Visor Pattern
   3673.DAT                   Technic Pin
   3840.DAT                   Minifig Vest
   4150PS5.DAT                Tile  2 x  2 Round with SW Imperial Pattern
   4150PS8.DAT                Tile  2 x  2 Round with Grey and Black Machinery Pattern
   4854.DAT                   Slope Brick 45  4 x  4 Double Inverted with Open Center
   4871.DAT                   Slope Brick 45  4 x  2 Double Inverted with Open Center
   6157.DAT                   Plate  2 x  2 with Wheels Holder Wide
   973P37.DAT                 ~Minifig Torso with Imperial Guard Officer Pattern, Obsolete
   973P3F.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Striped Shirt and Silver Buttons Pattern
   973P41.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Castle Chainmail Pattern
   973P43.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Black Falcon Pattern
   973P62.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Silver Ice Planet Pattern
   973P66.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Spyrius Pattern
   973P6U.DAT                 Minifig Torso with UFO Alien Triangular Insignia Pattern
   973P73.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Vest with Patch Pockets Pattern
   973P7H.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Jacket, Pink Shirt, Ring on Necklace Pattern
   973P82.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Red Vest and Train Logo Pattern
   973P86.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Stethoscope and Pocket with Pens Pattern
   973P8B.DAT                 Minifig Torso with RES-Q Orange Pockets and Logo Pattern
   973PA8.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Jacket, White Shirt, and Necklace Pattern
   973PA9.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Leather Jacket and Light Gray Shirt Pattern
   973PR3.DAT                 Minifig Torso with SW Layered Shirt, Brown Belt Pattern
   973PS1.DAT                 Minifig Torso with SW Rebel Pilot Pattern
   973PSH.DAT                 Minifig Torso with SW Hoth Trooper Pattern
   973PSM.DAT                 Minifig Torso with SW Camouflage Smock Pattern
   973PSY.DAT                 Minifig Torso w/ SW Loose Dress Light Bluish Grey Folds Pattern
   973PW6.DAT                 Minifig Torso with White Braces and Cartridge Belt Pattern
   30208-1.DAT                ~Hemisphere  4 x  4 Multifaceted Subpart
   3069BS18.DAT               ~Pattern Thin Black "POLICE"
   4150S01.DAT                ~Tile  2 x  2 Round without Top Face