LDraw.org Parts Update 2009-01

Redistributable Parts Library - Core Library

Notes created Sat May  2 14:20:15 2009 by the Parts Tracker.

Release statistics:
   Total files: 671
   New files: 489
   New parts: 307
   New subparts: 70
   New primitives: 77
   New hi-res primitives: 35

New 3-digit part numbers assigned:
   172.dat ~Technic Gearbox  4.5V Output Shaft
   173.dat ~Technic Gearbox  4.5V Input Shaft
   250.dat Duplo Brick  2 x  6 x  2 Double Concave
   273.dat Technic Chain Link with Two Studs 
   400.dat Baseplate 14 x 14 with Rounded Corners
   503.dat Wheelbarrow with 1 Wheel
   569.dat Technic Gear  9 Large Tooth
   570.dat Technic Gear 15 Large Tooth
   572.dat Technic Gear 21 Large Tooth
   575.dat Technic Universal Joint End Old
   576.dat Technic Universal Joint Centre Old
   585.dat Technic Bush Old Type 2
   844.dat ~Window  1 x  1 x  1 Classic Glass
   845.dat ~Window  1 x  1 x  2 Classic Glass
   846.dat ~Window  1 x  2 x  1 Classic Glass
   848.dat ~Window  1 x  3 x  2 Classic Glass
   849.dat ~Window  1 x  4 x  2 Classic Glass
   853.dat ~Window  1 x  6 x  2 Classic Glass 
   854.dat ~Window  1 x  6 x  2 Classic Shuttered Glass
   896.dat Baseplate 14 x 20 with Rounded Corners

Moved Parts
   RING1.DAT     ~Moved to 4-4ring1
   RING2.DAT     ~Moved to 4-4ring2
   RING3.DAT     ~Moved to 4-4ring3
   RING4.DAT     ~Moved to 4-4ring4
   RING7.DAT     ~Moved to 4-4ring7
   105.DAT       ~Moved to 30322
   120.DAT       ~Moved to 40490
   13.DAT        ~Moved to 3081cc01
   152.DAT       ~Moved to 32271
   153.DAT       ~Moved to 32526
   169.DAT       ~Moved to 41677
   27.DAT        ~Moved to 27c
   2739.DAT      ~Moved to 2739a
   29.DAT        ~Moved to 29c
   29C01.DAT     ~Moved to 29cc01
   31.DAT        ~Moved to 31cc01
   34A.DAT       ~Moved to 3109
   34B.DAT       ~Moved to 3110
   34C.DAT       ~Moved to 3112
   34D.DAT       ~Moved to 3111
   378.DAT       ~Moved to 40379
   3829.DAT      ~Moved to 3829c01
   3829B.DAT     ~Moved to 3828
   39.DAT        ~Moved to 3087c
   39C01.DAT     ~Moved to 3087cc01
   4093.DAT      ~Moved to 4093a
   4265C.DAT     ~Moved to 32123
   4275.DAT      ~Moved to 4275b
   4276.DAT      ~Moved to 4276b
   43.DAT        ~Moved to 2525
   43PS1.DAT     ~Moved to 2525ps1
   453.DAT       ~Moved to 453cc01
   464.DAT       ~Moved to 42022
   471.DAT       ~Moved to 30127
   471P01.DAT    ~Moved to 30127p01
   472.DAT       ~Moved to 30126
   472P01.DAT    ~Moved to 30126p01
   6093.DAT      ~Moved to 4530
   645.DAT       ~Moved to 645cc01
   646.DAT       ~Moved to 646cc01
   7.DAT         ~Moved to 3139
   7026.DAT      ~Moved to 3081cc01
   73090.DAT     ~Moved to 73090a
   774.DAT       ~Moved to 3835
   90.DAT        ~Moved to 3712
   91.DAT        ~Moved to 3326
   3044S01.DAT   ~Moved to s\3044bs01
   43PS1A.DAT    ~Moved to 2525ps1a
   43S01.DAT     ~Moved to s\2525s01
   471P01A.DAT   ~Moved to s\30126a01
   471S01.DAT    ~Moved to s\30126s01
   MAGNET.DAT    ~Moved to s\735s01

Renamed Parts
   changed to    Technic Pin 1.0 with Base Collar and Slots

   263.DAT       Train Steam Cylinder  2 x  2 x  1 & 2/3
   changed to    Train Steam Cylinder  2 x  2 x  1 & 2/3 Sloped

   2951.DAT      Technic Bucket 10 x  8
   changed to    Technic Excavator Bucket 10 x  8

   30029.DAT     Car Base 10 x  4 x  2/3
   changed to    Car Base 10 x  4 x  2/3 with 4 x 2 Centre Well

   3004P50.DAT   Brick  1 x  2 with Lego-Logo Old
   changed to    Brick  1 x  2 with LEGO Logo with Open "O" Pattern

   3009P03.DAT   Brick  1 x  6 with Lego Text
   changed to    Brick  1 x  6 with White "LEGO" Pattern

   3009P21.DAT   Brick  1 x  6 with Light Blue Squares Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  6 with 24 Light Blue Squares Pattern

   30390.DAT     Slope Brick 45  2 x  4 Double Inverted with Pins
   changed to    Slope Brick 45  4 x  2 Double Inverted with Pins

   30400.DAT     Brick  4 x  18
   changed to    Brick  4 x 18

   3067P11.DAT   Brick  1 x  6 without Center Studs with "TAXI" Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  6 w/out Centre Studs w/ White Sans-serif "TAXI" Pat.

   3067P12.DAT   Brick  1 x  6 without Center Studs with "POLICE" Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  6 without Centre Studs with "POLICE" Pattern

   32002.DAT     Technic Pin 3/4
   changed to    Technic Pin  3/4

   32009.DAT     Technic Liftarm  1 x 11.5 Double Bent
   changed to    Technic Beam  3 x  3.8 x  7 Liftarm Bent 45 Double

   32017.DAT     Technic Liftarm  1 x  5
   changed to    Technic Beam  5 x  0.5

   32056.DAT     Technic Liftarm  3 x  3 L Shape
   changed to    Technic Beam  3 x  3 x  0.5 Liftarm Bent 90

   32063.DAT     Technic Liftarm  1 x  6
   changed to    Technic Beam  6 x  0.5

   32065.DAT     Technic Liftarm  1 x  7
   changed to    Technic Beam  7 x  0.5

   32249.DAT     Technic Liftarm  3 x  3 L Shape with Quarter Circle
   changed to    Technic Beam  3 x  3 x  0.5 Liftarm Bent 90 Quarter Circle

   32250.DAT     Technic Liftarm  3 x  5 L Shape with Quarter Oval
   changed to    Technic Beam  3 x  5 x  0.5 Liftarm Bent 90 Quarter Ellipse

   32278.DAT     Technic Liftarm  1 x 15 Straight
   changed to    Technic Beam 15

   32348.DAT     Technic Liftarm  1 x  7 Bent
   changed to    Technic Beam  4 x  4 Liftarm Bent 53.5

   4859.DAT      Wing  3 x  4 with  1 x  2 Cutout
   changed to    Wing  3 x  4 with  1 x  2 Cutout without Stud Notches

   6558.DAT      Technic Pin Long with Friction
   changed to    Technic Pin Long with Friction and Slot

   6629.DAT      Technic Liftarm  1 x  9 Bent
   changed to    Technic Beam  4 x  6 Liftarm Bent 53.5

   9244.DAT      Technic Universal Joint (Complete Assembly Shortcut)
   changed to    _Technic Universal Joint (Complete Assembly Shortcut) Light Grey

Other Fixed Parts
   1-4CYLI.DAT   Hi-Res Cylinder 0.25
   CLIP3.DAT     Clip 3
   210.DAT       Baseplate 16 x 22
   2335.DAT      Flag  2 x  2
   2335P01.DAT   Flag  2 x  2 with Diver Pattern
   2335P02.DAT   Flag  2 x  2 with Diver Stripe Pattern
   2335P03.DAT   Flag  2 x  2 with Chequered Pattern
   2335P04.DAT   Flag  2 x  2 with Blue Imperial Guard Pattern
   2335P44.DAT   Flag  2 x  2 with Wolfman Pattern
   2339.DAT      Arch  1 x  5 x  4
   2340.DAT      Tail  4 x  1 x  3
   2345.DAT      Panel Wall  3 x  3 x  6 Corner
   2345P01.DAT   Panel Wall  3 x  3 x  6 Corner with Lines Pattern
   2345P44.DAT   Panel Wall  3 x  3 x  6 Corner with Blacktron I Logo Pattern
   2349.DAT      Hinge Car Roof  4 x  4 Sunroof
   2360P02.DAT   Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 7-Stud T Intersection w/ Runway Pattern
   2375.DAT      Hinge Bar 12 with Split Rod Holder
   2401.DAT      Plate 10 x 10 without Corner
   2409.DAT      Panel 10 x 10 x 12 Corner
   2422.DAT      Bracket  2 x  2 -  1 x  4
   2432.DAT      Tile  1 x  2 with Handle
   2439.DAT      Container  2 x  2 Rubbish Bin 
   2447.DAT      Minifig Helmet Visor
   2448.DAT      Panel  3 x  2 x  5 & 2/3
   2453.DAT      Brick  1 x  1 x  5
   2454PS5.DAT   Brick  1 x  2 x  5 with SW Han Solo Carbonite Pattern
   2462.DAT      Brick  3 x  3 Facet
   2463.DAT      Brick  3 x  3 x  2 Facet Top
   2466.DAT      Panel  3 x  2 x  6
   2468.DAT      Panel  3 x  3 x  6 Corner Convex
   2563.DAT      Plant Tree Palm Base
   2566.DAT      Plant Tree Palm Top
   2578.DAT      Brush Holder Street Sweeper
   2655.DAT      Plate  2 x  2 Round with Wheel Holder
   2989.DAT      Technic Brick  1 x  4 with Holes and Bumper Holder
   3001PE1.DAT   Brick  2 x  4 with Happy and Sad Face Pattern
   3010P21.DAT   Brick  1 x  4 with Light Blue Squares Pattern
   3010P42.DAT   Brick  1 x  4 with Yellow Left Arrow and Black Border Pattern
   30137.DAT     Brick  1 x  4 Log
   30147.DAT     Car Grille  1 x  2 x  2 Round Top with Lights
   30149.DAT     Car Base  4 x  5 with 2 Seats
   30236.DAT     Brick  1 x  2 with Handle
   30237.DAT     Brick  1 x  2 with Clip Vertical
   30250.DAT     Bracket  4 x  7 x  3
   30359B.DAT    Bar  1 x  8 with Brick  1  x  2 Curved Top End With Axlehole
   30360.DAT     Cylinder  3 x  6 x  2 2/3 Horizontal
   3037.DAT      Slope Brick 45  2 x  4
   30389A.DAT    Hinge Brick  2 x  2 Locking with Single Finger On Side
   30592.DAT     Brick  2 x  2 with Vertical Pin and  1 x  2 Side Plates
   3069BP06.DAT  Tile  1 x  2 with Long Yellow Arrow with Black Border Pattern
   309.DAT       Baseplate 32 x 32 Service Station
   309P01.DAT    Baseplate 32 x 32 Service Station with Pattern
   3194.DAT      Door  1 x  5 x  4 Right
   32028.DAT     Plate  1 x  2 with Door Rail
   32172.DAT     Technic Connector Block  3 x  3 with Ball Socket
   3626BPA8.DAT  Minifig Head with Evil Skeleton Skull Pattern
   3633.DAT      Fence  1 x  4 x  1
   3651.DAT      Technic Connector
   3713.DAT      Technic Bush
   374P01.DAT    Baseplate 16 x 32 with Rounded Corners and Set 350 Dots Pattern
   3787.DAT      Car Mudguard  2 x  4 without Studs
   3788.DAT      Car Mudguard  2 x  4
   3811P01.DAT   Baseplate 32 x 32 with Set 7838 Dots Pattern
   3829A.DAT     ~Car Steering Wheel Stand
   3830.DAT      Hinge Brick  1 x  4 Top
   3831.DAT      Hinge Brick  1 x  4 Base
   3857.DAT      Baseplate 16 x 32 with Square Corners
   3941P01.DAT   Brick  2 x  2 Round with Buttons Pattern
   3958.DAT      Plate  6 x  6
   4088.DAT      Brick  1 x  4 x  2 with Centre Stud Top
   4151.DAT      Plate  8 x  8 with Grille
   4185.DAT      Technic Wedge Belt Wheel
   4211.DAT      Car Base  4 x  5
   4216.DAT      Brick  1 x  2 with Groove
   4217.DAT      Brick  1 x 14 with Groove
   4289.DAT      Boat Mast  2 x  2
   44342P01.DAT  Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud Curve with Pattern
   4532.DAT      Container Cupboard  2 x  3 x  2
   4534.DAT      Container Cupboard  2 x  3 x  4
   4536.DAT      Container Cupboard  2 x  3 x  2 Drawer
   4625.DAT      Hinge Tile  1 x  4 
   4732.DAT      Bracket  8 x  2 x  1 & 1/3
   4743.DAT      Arch  2 x  8 x  3
   6020.DAT      Bar  7 x  3 with Double Clips
   6079.DAT      Fence  1 x  8 x  2
   6087.DAT      Bracket  5 x  2 x  2 & 1/3
   6106.DAT      Plate  6 x  6 without Corner
   6108.DAT      Arch  1 x 12 x  3
   6183.DAT      Arch  1 x  6 x  2 with Curved Top
   6187.DAT      Bar  1 x  4 x  2
   6259.DAT      Cylinder  2 x  4 x  4 
   647.DAT       Roadsign Square
   6575.DAT      Technic Cam
   6630.DAT      Technic Gear Rack  1 x  8 with Holes
   735.DAT       Magnet Holder for Train Base  6 x 16 Type 1
   780.DAT       Car Base  6 x  7
   781.DAT       Car Base  6 x 12
   973.DAT       Minifig Torso
   2335S01.DAT   ~Flag  2 x  2 without Main Faces
   2345S01.DAT   ~Panel Wall  3 x  3 x  6 Corner without Front Faces
   2454PS5A.DAT  ~Brick  1 x  2 x  5 with Han Solo Carbon - Silver
   2454PS5B.DAT  ~Brick  1 x  2 x  5 with Han Solo Carbon - Dark Silver
   2454S01.DAT   ~Brick  1 x  2 x  5 without Front Face
   3846P44A.DAT  ~Wolfpack Pattern - Wolf Head
   3846P44B.DAT  ~Wolfpack Pattern - Background