LDraw.org Parts Update 2011-02

Redistributable Parts Library - Core Library

Notes created Thu Dec 29 08:18:39 2011 by the Parts Tracker.

Release statistics:
   Total files: 786
   New files: 700
   New parts: 474
   New subparts: 180
   New primitives: 38
   New hi-res primitives: 8

New 3-digit part numbers assigned:
   189.dat ~Electric Train  4.5V On/Off Switch Brick  2 x  4 (Needs Work)
   499.dat ~Magnet Cylindrical Casing for Plate  2 x  4
   505.dat Train Steam Drive Rod
   506.dat Train Steam Drive Rod Holder
   562.dat ~Electric  4.5V Battery Box Pole Reverser Type 3
   944.dat ~Axle Steel  6 x 96 LDU

Moved Parts
   109.DAT                    ~Moved to 2910
   2436.DAT                   ~Moved to 2436a
   2909C01.DAT                ~Moved to 75348
   30080.DAT                  ~Moved to 75979
   30173.DAT                  ~Moved to 30173a
   32195.DAT                  ~Moved to 32195b
   3794.DAT                   ~Moved to 3794a
   4180D.DAT                  ~Moved to 996
   4212.DAT                   ~Moved to 4212b
   4273.DAT                   ~Moved to 4273b
   4865.DAT                   ~Moved to 4865a
   688.DAT                    ~Moved to 3778
   890.DAT                    ~Moved to 30260
   890P01.DAT                 ~Moved to 30260p01
   2775S02.DAT                ~Moved to u9020
   688S01.DAT                 ~Moved to s\3778s01
   890S01.DAT                 ~Moved to s\30260s01
   S2.DAT                     ~Moved to 192425b

Renamed Parts
   110.DAT                    Technic Shock Absorber  9.5L, Spring
   changed to    ~Technic Shock Absorber  9.5L Spring

   122C01.DAT                 Plate  2 x  2 with Wheels in Red
   changed to    Plate  2 x  2 with Red Wheels (Complete)

   122C02.DAT                 Plate  2 x  2 with Wheels in White
   changed to    Plate  2 x  2 with White Wheels (Complete)

   270.DAT                    Train Base  6 x 12 Type 1
   changed to    ~Train Base  6 x 12 Type 1

   276.DAT                    Fabuland Wheelbarrow
   changed to    Wheelbarrow for  2 Wheels

   2909.DAT                   Technic Shock Absorber  9.5L, Cylinder
   changed to    ~Technic Shock Absorber  9.5L Cylinder

   30117.DAT                  Panel 10 x 10 x  2 & 1/3 Quarter Saucer Top
   changed to    Panel 10 x 10 x  2.333 Quarter Saucer Top

   3134.DAT                   Brick  1 x  2 with Cable Holding Cutout
   changed to    Brick  1 x  2 with Cable Cutout

   3137C01.DAT                Brick  2 x  2 with Wheels (Complete Assembly Shortcut)
   changed to    Brick  2 x  2 with Red Wheels (Complete)

   32209.DAT                  Technic Axle  5.5 With Stop
   changed to    Technic Axle  5.5 with Stop

   3626BP6V.DAT               Minifig Head Alien with Large Blue Mask
   changed to    Minifig Head with Large Blue Mask Pattern

   3626BP6W.DAT               Minifig Head Alien with Small Blue Mask
   changed to    Minifig Head with Small Blue Mask Pattern

   3626BP6X.DAT               Minifig Head Alien with Silver Mask and Mouth Grille
   changed to    Minifig Head with Silver Mask and Mouth Grille Pattern

   3626BP6Y.DAT               Minifig Head Alien with Green Brain and Yellow Mouth
   changed to    Minifig Head with Green Brain and Yellow Mouth Pattern

   3650A.DAT                  Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown
   changed to    Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown Type 1

   3651.DAT                   Technic Connector
   changed to    Technic Connector (Pin/Bush) with 2 Studs

   44569.DAT                  Hinge Train Gate  2 x  4 Locking
   changed to    Hinge Tile  2 x  4 with Ribs Locking

   4623.DAT                   Plate  1 x  2 with Arm
   changed to    Plate  1 x  2 with Vertical Bar on Long Side and Long Arm

   60474.DAT                  Plate  4 x  4 Round
   changed to    Plate  4 x  4 Round with Hole and Snapstud

   6100.DAT                   Baseplate 32 x 32 with 3 Driveways
   changed to    Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 9-Stud 3-Lane

   6100P01.DAT                Baseplate 32 x 32 with 3 Driveways and Set 6571 Pattern
   changed to    Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 9-Stud 3-Lane w/ Centre & Right Numbered

   6231.DAT                   Panel  1 x  1 x  1 Corner
   changed to    Panel  1 x  1 x  1 Corner with Rounded Corners

   6553.DAT                   Technic Pole Reverser Handle
   changed to    Technic Connector (Axle) with Axle 1.5

   6923.DAT                   Scala Tile  8 x 20 x   2/3 Round Ends
   changed to    Tile  8 x 20 x  0.667 with Curved Ends

   6934.DAT                   Scala Tile  3 x  6
   changed to    Tile  3 x  6

   723.DAT                    Streetlight Old
   changed to    Lamppost

   736.DAT                    Train Base  6 x 16 Type 1
   changed to    ~Train Base  6 x 16 Type 1

   736C01.DAT                 Train Base  6 x 16 Type 1 with Wheels
   changed to    Train Base  6 x 16 Type 1 with Wheels (Complete)

   87580.DAT                  Tile  2 x  2 with Groove and 1 Stud
   changed to    Plate  2 x  2 with Groove with 1 Center Stud

   991.DAT                    ~Electric RC Race Buggy Motor - Axle Bush
   changed to    ~Car Wheel Holder  2 x  2 with Suspension - Spring

   2528S02.DAT                ~Minifig Hat Bicorne Front
   changed to    ~Minifig Hat Bicorne Front/Back Surface

   30173S01.DAT               ~Minifig Sword Katana Grip Segment
   changed to    ~Minifig Sword Katana Blade

   30361S01.DAT               ~Cylinder  2 x 2 x  2 Robot Body without Front Face
   changed to    ~Cylinder  2 x  2 x  2 Robot Body without Front Face

   973S00.DAT                 ~Minifig Torso - Neck Mark
   changed to    ~Minifig Torso - Neck Mark (Obsolete)

   U9013.DAT                  ~Screw Cruciform  6 x 12
   changed to    ~Screw 12 x  6 Pan Cruciform

Other Fixed Parts
   BUSHLOC3.DAT               Bush Lock 3
   T04O6250.DAT               Torus Outside  1 x 0.6250 x 0.25
   2528.DAT                   Minifig Hat Bicorne
   2560.DAT                   Boat Base  8 x 16
   265AC01.DAT                Electric Lightbrick  2 x  2 Type 1  4.5V (Complete) 
   266AC01.DAT                Electric Lightbrick  2 x  2 Type 1 12V (Complete) 
   2999.DAT                   Technic Large Wheel Hub
   30116.DAT                  Panel 14 x 14 x  2.667 Quarter Saucer Top
   30141.DAT                  Minifig Gun Rifle
   30385.DAT                  Rock  1 x  1 Crystal 5 Point
   3039PC6.DAT                Slope Brick 45  2 x  2 with Radar Screen Pattern
   3680.DAT                   Turntable  2 x  2 Plate Base
   4746.DAT                   Tail  4 x  2 x  2 with Rocket
   47753.DAT                  Wedge  4 x  4 Triple Curved without Studs
   6054.DAT                   Boat Base  8 x 12
   6266.DAT                   Minifig Skeleton Leg
   73071.DAT                  Technic Differential
   765.DAT                    ~Electric Plug (Type 4) Single
   170876S2.DAT               ~Sticker With Octan Logo Pattern - Logo Frame
   2528S01.DAT                ~Minifig Hat Bicorne without Front or Back
   2560S01.DAT                ~Boat Base Stud Pair Subpart
   30116S01.DAT               ~Panel 14 x 14 x  2.667 Quarter Saucer Top Without Top Faces
   30361S1B.DAT               ~Cylinder  2 x  2 x  2 Robot Body with SW R2-D2 Pattern - Detail
   3626BS02.DAT               ~Minifig Head - Stud Hollow without Outer Face
   3846S01.DAT                ~Minifig Shield without Decorated Surface
   4865P01B.DAT               ~Pattern Train Logo  1 x  2 - Background
   4865P01C.DAT               ~Pattern Train Logo  1 x  2 - Foreground
   58381S01.DAT               ~Door  1 x  3 x  4 Left with Hollow Hinge - Main Part
   6026S01.DAT                ~Animal Crocodile Body - Half
   60474S01.DAT               ~Plate  4 x  4 Round - 1/8
   6054S01.DAT                ~Boat Base  8 x 12 Quarter Section
   6057S04.DAT                ~Boat Rigging Top Joint
   87544S01.DAT               ~Panel  1 x  2 x  3 without Front Face and Studs