0 Minifig Head with Sideburns and Droopy Moustache Brown Pattern 0 Name: 3626bp3q.dat 0 Author: Franklin W. Cain [fwcain] 0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2003-01 0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt 0 BFC NOCERTIFY 0 !KEYWORDS face, Admiral, Governor, officer, Imperial, redcoats 0 !KEYWORDS Pirates, Trading Post, Flagship, soldiers, standard grin 0 !CMDLINE -c14 0 !HISTORY 2003-03-12 [PTadmin] Official Update 2003-01 0 !HISTORY 2007-06-29 [PTadmin] Header formatted for Contributor Agreement 0 !HISTORY 2008-07-01 [PTadmin] Official Update 2008-01 0 // (Cannot do "stubble", doesn't look good...) :-/ 1 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\3626b37a.dat 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\3626b37b.dat 0 0 COMMENT end of file