LDraw.org Parts Update 2018-01

Redistributable Parts Library - Core Library

Notes created Tue Jan 30 19:39:45 2018 by the Parts Tracker.

Release statistics:
   Total files: 405
   New files: 267
   New parts: 171
   New subparts: 74
   New primitives: 7
   New lo-res primitives: 2
   New hi-res primitives: 13

New 3-digit part numbers assigned:
   No new 3-digit part numbers were used in this release.

Moved Parts
   251C01.DAT                 ~Moved to 4508c01
   2793C01.DAT                ~Moved to 2793c01-f1
   2793C02.DAT                ~Moved to 2793c01-f2
   2797C01.DAT                ~Moved to 2797c01-f1
   2797C02.DAT                ~Moved to 2797c01-f2
   2850.DAT                   ~Moved to 2850a
   2943.DAT                   ~Moved to 2943a
   2947.DAT                   ~Moved to 2947a
   3067P10.DAT                ~Moved to 3067ap10
   3067P11.DAT                ~Moved to 3067ap11
   3067P12.DAT                ~Moved to 3067ap12
   3067PT1.DAT                ~Moved to 3067apt1
   3067PT2.DAT                ~Moved to 3067apt2
   33009C01.DAT               ~Moved to 33009-f2
   4088.DAT                   ~Moved to 4088b
   466A.DAT                   ~Moved to 33009k01
   466B.DAT                   ~Moved to 33009k02
   466C.DAT                   ~Moved to 33009k03
   466D.DAT                   ~Moved to 33009k04
   466E.DAT                   ~Moved to 33009k05
   4672.DAT                   ~Moved to 4672a
   47222.DAT                  ~Moved to 47222a
   47223A.DAT                 ~Moved to 47223a-f1
   47223B.DAT                 ~Moved to 47223a-f2
   47223C.DAT                 ~Moved to 47223a-f3
   47224C01.DAT               ~Moved to 47224c01-f1
   47224C02.DAT               ~Moved to 47224c01-f2
   4844.DAT                   ~Moved to 4844b
   691.DAT                    ~Moved to 3996
   692.DAT                    ~Moved to 3995
   466AS01.DAT                ~Moved to s\33009s01
   466BS01.DAT                ~Moved to s\33009s02
   466CS01.DAT                ~Moved to s\33009s03

Renamed Parts
   14417.DAT                  Plate  1 x  2 with Ball Joint-8
   changed to    Plate  1 x  2 with Ball Joint-8 on Side

   2573.DAT                   Wheel Hard-Plastic Giant
   changed to    Wheel 48 x 76 with Tread on Sidewall

   2796.DAT                   ~Technic Pneumatic Cylinder 2 x 2 Piston Rod 4L Cylindrical
   changed to    ~Technic Pneumatic Cylinder  2 x  2 Piston Rod 4L Cylindrical

   2799.DAT                   ~Technic Pneumatic Cylinder 2 x 2 Piston with Large Knob Handle
   changed to    ~Technic Pneumatic Cylinder  2 x  2 Piston with Large Knob Handle

   30027A.DAT                 Wheel Rim  8 x  8 Round Hole for Wheel Holding Pin 
   changed to    Wheel Rim  8 x  8 Round Hole, for Wheel Holding Pin

   30027B.DAT                 Wheel Rim  8 x  8 Notched Hole for Wheel Holding Pin
   changed to    Wheel Rim  8 x  8 Notched Hole, Two Slots, for Wheel Holding Pin

   3005PV6.DAT                Brick  1 x  1 with Lightblue "6" Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  1 with Blue Bold "6" Pattern

   3005PV7.DAT                Brick  1 x  1 with Lightblue "7" Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  1 with Blue Bold "7" Pattern

   3009PT1.DAT                Brick  1 x  6 with "Shell" Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  6 with Red "Shell" Pattern

   30299.DAT                  Cockpit 10 x 14 x  2 & 2/3
   changed to    Cockpit 10 x 14 x  2.667

   30374.DAT                  Bar  4L Light Sabre Blade
   changed to    Bar  4L Lightsaber Blade

   30378PS1.DAT               Minifig Mechanical Head with Orange Insignia Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Mechanical Head SW Battle Droid with Orange Insignia Pattern

   30378PS2.DAT               Minifig Mechanical Head with Dark Red Insignia Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Mechanical Head SW Battle Droid with Dark Red Insignia Pattern

   30378PS3.DAT               Minifig Mechanical Head with Yellow Insignia Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Mechanical Head SW Battle Droid with Yellow Insignia Pattern

   3039P70.DAT                Slope Brick 45  2 x  2 with Buttons and "1500" Pattern
   changed to    Slope Brick 45  2 x  2 with Buttons and "15.00" Pattern

   3403.DAT                   ~Turntable  4 x  4 Base
   changed to    Turntable  4 x  4 Base

   3404.DAT                   ~Turntable  4 x  4 Top
   changed to    Turntable  4 x  4 Top

   3462.DAT                   Plate  2 x  3 with Helicopter Rotor Holder
   changed to    Plate  2 x  3 with Rotor Holder

   3612.DAT                   Arm Piece Straight with 2 and 3 Fingers
   changed to    Arm Piece with 2 and 3 Fingers Aligned

   3846P46.DAT                Minifig Shield Triangular with Black Falcon Yellow Bdr Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Shield Triangular with Black Falcon Yellow Border Pattern

   3846P47.DAT                Minifig Shield Triangular with Red and Gray Pattern, Blue Frame
   changed to    Minifig Shield Triangular with Red in Blue Frame Pattern

   4082.DAT                   Container Box  6 x  8 x  1 & 1/3
   changed to    Container Box  6 x  8 x  1.333

   412.DAT                    Arm Piece Turned with 2 and 3 Fingers
   changed to    Arm Piece with 2 and 3 Fingers Rotated

   42114.DAT                  Minifig Tool Light Sabre Hilt with Bend
   changed to    Minifig Tool Lightsaber Hilt with Bend

   4542422B.DAT               Sticker Roadsign Triangle with Traffic Light
   changed to    Sticker Roadsign Triangular with Traffic Light

   6213P02.DAT                Brick  2 x  6 x  3 with Green Yellow and Blue Dots Pattern
   changed to    Brick  2 x  6 x  3 with Green, Yellow and Blue Dots Pattern

   70961.DAT                  Technic Bumper  2 x  4 Rubber 
   changed to    Technic Bumper  2 x  4 Rubber

   772P01.DAT                 Brick  1 x  2 x  2 without Centre Studs with Window Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  2 x  2 without Centre Studs with White Window Pattern

   93595.DAT                  Wheel Rim  6.4 x 11 with 8 Y-Shaped Spokes
   changed to    Wheel Rim  6.4 x 11 with  8 Y-Shaped Spokes

   95330P01.DAT               Minifig Axe With Red Head and Silver Blade Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Axe with Red Head and Silver Blade Pattern

   967.DAT                    Plate  4 x  8 with Helicopter Rotor Holder (needs work)
   changed to    Plate  4 x  8 with Trailer Kingpin

   973P21.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Five Button Fire Fighter Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Torso with Fire Fighter Five Button Pattern

   973PA5.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Bomber Jacket, Belt, & Black Shirt Pattern 
   changed to    Minifig Torso with Bomber Jacket, Belt, Black Shirt Pattern 

   973PS4.DAT                 Minifig Torso with SW Shirt (Open Collar, No Vest) Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Torso with SW Shirt Open Collar No Vest Pattern

   2573-12.DAT                ~Space Wheel Giant  1/12 Segment
   changed to    ~Wheel 48 x 76 with Tread on Sidewall - 1/12 Segment

   93595S01.DAT               ~Wheel Rim  6.4 x 11 with 8 Y-Shaped Spokes - 1/2 Spoke
   changed to    ~Wheel Rim  6.4 x 11 with  8 Y-Shaped Spokes -  1/2 Spoke - Back Side

   U9007P01.DAT               Roadsign with Round Base with Cross Intersection Pattern
   changed to    Roadsign Triangular with Round Base with Cross Intersection Pattern

   U9007P02.DAT               Roadsign Traingular with Round Base with Pedestrians Pattern
   changed to    Roadsign Triangular with Round Base with Pedestrians Pattern

   U9332.DAT                  Minifig Arm Curved with Hand
   changed to    Minifig Arm Short Curved with Hand

Other Fixed Parts
   BEAMHOL2.DAT               Technic Beam Hole 0.5 with Adjacent Hole Negative
   22484.DAT                  Bar  2L with Ball Joint-8
   22890.DAT                  Plate  1 x  2 with Ball Joint-8 on End
   2650.DAT                   Hinge Hook Base
   2696.DAT                   Tyre 12.7/ 51 x 30
   2984.DAT                   Electric Technic Micromotor Top
   2985.DAT                   Electric Technic Micromotor Base
   3009P02.DAT                Brick  1 x  6 with White "TRANSPORT" Pattern
   30231.DAT                  Wing Insectoid Small with Arm Hinge
   3039PC3.DAT                Slope Brick 45  2 x  2 with Horizon Indicator Screen Pattern
   3039PC5.DAT                Slope Brick 45  2 x  2 with Flight Control Pattern
   3070BP00.DAT               Tile  1 x  1 with Top White Square Pattern
   3297P03.DAT                Slope Brick 33  3 x  4 with White Stripes Pattern
   3403C01.DAT                Turntable  4 x  4 (Complete)
   3626BP3N.DAT               Minifig Head with Sideburns and Droopy Moustache Black Pattern
   3626BP3Q.DAT               Minifig Head with Sideburns and Droopy Moustache Brown Pattern
   3626BP80.DAT               Minifig Head with Orange Beard and White Smile Pattern
   3626BPA1.DAT               Minifig Head with Glasses and White Muttonchops Pattern
   3626BPA2.DAT               Minifig Head with Adventurers Mummy Pattern
   3626BPA6.DAT               Minifig Head with Brown Hair, Eyelashes, and Lipstick Pattern
   3691.DAT                   Technic Holder Block  4 x  4 x  3
   3821P01.DAT                Door  1 x  3 x  1 Right with Safari Stripes Pattern
   3821P03.DAT                Door  1 x  3 x  1 Right with Yellow/Red Stripe Pattern
   3822P01.DAT                Door  1 x  3 x  1 Left with Safari Stripes Pattern
   3822P03.DAT                Door  1 x  3 x  1 Left with Yellow/Red Stripe Pattern
   3846P43.DAT                ~Minifig Shield Triangular with Black Falcon Pattern (Obsolete)
   3846P45.DAT                Minifig Shield Triangular with Black Falcon Blue Border Pattern
   3846P48.DAT                Minifig Shield Triangular with Forestman Pattern
   3846P4C.DAT                Minifig Shield Triangular with Blue Dragon Pattern
   4180C02.DAT                Brick  2 x  4 Black with Train Wheels Small (Complete)
   4196.DAT                   Duplo Plate  6 x 12
   4198.DAT                   Duplo Brick  2 x  4 x  2 with Rounded Ends
   4346PS1.DAT                Container Box  2 x  2 x  2 Door with Slot and SW Rebel Pattern
   4474P61.DAT                Windscreen  6 x  4 x  2 Canopy with Ice Planet Logo Pattern
   4586822A.DAT               Sticker  0.8 x  0.8 Round with Black and White Eye
   4616559M.DAT               Sticker  0.8 x  1.8 with "ML 1928"
   4616559N.DAT               Sticker  0.8 x  1.8 with "APM 1904"
   4755.DAT                   Electric Plate  1 x  2 with Contacts
   4757.DAT                   Electric Plate  2 x  4 with Contacts
   4758.DAT                   Electric Plate  2 x  8 with Contacts
   50745.DAT                  Car Mudguard  4 x  2.5 x  2
   57518.DAT                  Technic Chain Tread 38
   6154.DAT                   Window  1 x  4 x  4
   6213.DAT                   Brick  2 x  6 x  3
   71184.DAT                  Bar  4.5L Straight
   973P12.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Riding Jacket Pattern
   973P14.DAT                 Minifig Torso with "S" Logo Red / Black Pattern
   973P1N.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Racing Jacket and Two Stars Red Pattern
   973P29.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Air Gauge and Pocket Pattern 
   973P38.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Female Pirate Pattern
   973P46.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Forestman and Purse Pattern
   973P4B.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Dragon Head Pattern
   973P51.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Blacktron II Pattern
   973P69.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Space Police II and Radio Pattern
   973P70.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Bomber Jacket & Black Shirt Pattern
   973P7A.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Arctic Parka A1 Pattern
   973PA1.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Suspenders and Red Bowtie Pattern
   973PA9.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Leather Jacket and Light Gray Shirt Pattern
   973PAC.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Mayan Necklace, Tribal Shirt & Navel Pattern
   973PAJ.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Rock Raiders Jet Pattern
   973PN0.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Samurai Dragon Robe Pattern
   973PN1.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Samurai Robe, Sash and Dagger Pattern
   98138PM5.DAT               Tile  1 x  1 Round with Octagon (Arkenstone) Pattern
   3626B37A.DAT               ~Minifig Head with Sideburns & Droopy Moustache - Facial Hair
   3626B37B.DAT               ~Minifig Head with Sideburns & Droopy Moustache - Except Hair
   3947A.DAT                  ~Baseplate 32 x 32 Craters - Optional Lines