LDraw.org Parts Update 2019-01

Redistributable Parts Library - Core Library

Notes created Fri Jun 28 07:45:13 2019 by the Parts Tracker.

Release statistics:
   Total files: 819
   New files: 667
   New parts: 498
   New subparts: 137
   New primitives: 27
   New hi-res primitives: 5

New 3-digit part numbers assigned:
   No new 3-digit part numbers were used in this release.

Moved Parts
   110.DAT                    ~Moved to u9409-f1
   2772C01.DAT                ~Moved to 2772-f1
   2772C02.DAT                ~Moved to 2772-f2
   2772C03.DAT                ~Moved to 2772-f3
   3004PTC1.DAT               ~Moved to 3004pt7
   3010P20B.DAT               ~Moved to 3010p0c
   3010P20C.DAT               ~Moved to 3010p0d
   3067PT3.DAT                ~Moved to 3067apt3
   3069BPT6.DAT               ~Moved to 3069bp82
   3070P1K.DAT                ~Moved to 3070bp1k
   44302.DAT                  ~Moved to 44302a
   44375P01.DAT               ~Moved to 44375aps1
   44375P02.DAT               ~Moved to 44375aps2
   6153.DAT                   ~Moved to 6153a
   6153P7A.DAT                ~Moved to 6153ap7a
   650A.DAT                   ~Moved to 650k01
   712.DAT                    ~Moved to 712a
   U9111.DAT                  ~Moved to 21828

Renamed Parts
   004695C.DAT                Sticker Minifig Torso with Shell Logo
   changed to    Sticker Minifig Torso with Shell Logo 1971

   164575D.DAT                Sticker  1.15 x  1.875 with White Train Logo
   changed to    Sticker  1.2 x  1.9 with White Train Logo

   164575E.DAT                Sticker  1.15 x  1.875 with Red Train Logo
   changed to    Sticker  1.2 x  1.9 with Red Train Logo

   164575F.DAT                Sticker  1.15 x  1.875 with Black Train Logo
   changed to    Sticker  1.2 x  1.9 with Black Train Logo

   164575G.DAT                Sticker  0.625 x  1.45 with White Train Logo
   changed to    Sticker  0.6 x  1.5 with White Train Logo

   168265A.DAT                Sticker  1.1 x  1.95 with Black Train Logo
   changed to    Sticker  1.1 x  2 with Black Train Logo

   168265B.DAT                Sticker  0.65 x  1.47 with Black Train Logo
   changed to    Sticker  0.7 x  1.5 with Black Train Logo

   170.DAT                    ~Technic Gearbox  4.5V Casing
   changed to    ~Technic Gearbox 20:1 Reduction Casing

   170C01.DAT                 Technic Gearbox  4.5V (Complete Assembly)
   changed to    Technic Gearbox 20:1 Reduction (Complete Assembly)

   171.DAT                    ~Technic Gearbox  4.5V Back Plate
   changed to    ~Technic Gearbox 20:1 Reduction Back Plate

   172.DAT                    ~Technic Gearbox  4.5V Output Shaft
   changed to    ~Technic Gearbox 20:1 Reduction Output Shaft

   173.DAT                    ~Technic Gearbox  4.5V Input Shaft
   changed to    ~Technic Gearbox 20:1 Reduction Input Shaft

   21490C01.DAT               Figure Friends Cape Cloth Short with 2 Bottom Curves and 4 Heart Shaped Holes Formed Shape 1
   changed to    Figure Friends Cape Cloth Short with 2 Bottom Curves and 4 Heart Shaped Holes (Formed Shape 1)

   21490C02.DAT               Figure Friends Cape Cloth Short with 2 Bottom Curves and 4 Heart Shaped Holes Formed Shape 2
   changed to    Figure Friends Cape Cloth Short with 2 Bottom Curves and 4 Heart Shaped Holes (Formed Shape 2)

   2556.DAT                   ~Boat Bow 16 x 12 x  5 & 1/3 Hull Outside
   changed to    ~Boat Bow 16 x 12 x  5.333 Hull Outside (Needs Work)

   2557.DAT                   ~Boat Bow 16 x 12 x 5 1/3 Hull Inside
   changed to    ~Boat Bow 16 x 12 x  5.333 Hull Inside (Needs Work)

   2557C01.DAT                Boat Bow 16 x 12 x  5 & 1/3 (Complete)
   changed to    Boat Bow 16 x 12 x  5.333 with Brown Bottom

   3010P12.DAT                Brick  1 x  4 with Envelope on Red Background, Left Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  4 with Envelope on Red Background Left-Aligned Pattern

   3010P13.DAT                Brick  1 x  4 with Envelope on Red Background, Right Pattern
   changed to    Brick  1 x  4 with Envelope on Red Background Right-Aligned Pattern

   30407.DAT                  Hinge Plate  1 x  8 with Angled Side Extensions
   changed to    Hinge Plate  1 x  8 with Angled Side Extensions and Rounded Underside Frame

   3626AP01.DAT               Minifig Head with Stud Solid with Standard Grin Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Head with Standard Grin Pattern (Solid Stud)

   3626BP01.DAT               Minifig Head with Standard Grin Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Head with Standard Grin Pattern (Hollow Stud with Pierced Base)

   3941.DAT                   Brick  2 x  2 Round
   changed to    Brick  2 x  2 Round Type 1

   3941P01.DAT                Brick  2 x  2 Round with Buttons Pattern
   changed to    Brick  2 x  2 Round with Black Panels with Buttons 2-Sided Pattern

   42446.DAT                  Bracket  1 x  1 -  1 x  1
   changed to    Bracket  1 x  1 -  1 x  1 with Stud Hole

   4265A.DAT                  Technic Bush 1/2 Type 1
   changed to    Technic Bush  1/2 Type 1

   43710.DAT                  Slope Brick  2 x  4 Triple Left
   changed to    Wedge  4 x  2 Double Left

   43711.DAT                  Slope Brick  2 x  4 Triple Right
   changed to    Wedge  4 x  2 Double Right

   50231C02.DAT               Minifig Cape Cloth Floating (Formed)
   changed to    Minifig Cape Cloth (Formed Floating)

   54200.DAT                  Slope Brick 31  1 x  1 x  0.667 
   changed to    Slope Brick 31  1 x  1 x  0.667

   57539K01.DAT               ~Hose Flexible 19M End Segment
   changed to    ~Hose Flexible 19L End Segment

   57539K02.DAT               ~Hose Flexible 19M Segment
   changed to    ~Hose Flexible 19L Segment

   59231P40.DAT               Minifig Shield Round with Helmet on Dark/Medium Blue Quarters Pattern
   changed to    Minifig Shield Round Flat with Helmet on Dark/Medium Blue Quarters Pattern

   6050.DAT                   ~Boat Bow 12 x 12 x  5 & 1/3 Hull Outside
   changed to    ~Boat Bow 12 x 12 x  5.333 Hull Outside (Needs Work)

   6051C01.DAT                Boat Bow 12 x 12 x  5 & 1/3 (Complete)
   changed to    Boat Bow 12 x 12 x  5.333 with Brown Bottom

   6239.DAT                   Tail Shuttle
   changed to    Tail Shuttle  2 x  6 x  4

   6239D01.DAT                Tail Shuttle with "J" Sticker on Two Sides
   changed to    Tail Shuttle  2 x  6 x  4 with "J" Sticker on Two Sides

   6239D02.DAT                Tail Shuttle with Eagle Head Sticker on Two Sides
   changed to    Tail Shuttle  2 x  6 x  4 with Eagle Head Sticker on Two Sides

   63864.DAT                  Tile  1 x  3 with Groove
   changed to    Tile  1 x  3

   6595.DAT                   Wheel 49.6 x 28 VR
   changed to    Wheel 25 x 28 VR with 35mm Diameter Rear Rim and Partial Cross Axle Hole

   768.DAT                    Technic Gear Block  2 x  8 x  3
   changed to    Technic Gear Block  2 x  4 x  3

   85651C01.DAT               Sail Triangular 17 x 21 Formed Shape 1
   changed to    Sail Triangular 17 x 21 (Formed Shape 1)

   85651C02.DAT               Sail Triangular 17 x 21 Formed Shape 2
   changed to    Sail Triangular 17 x 21 (Formed Shape 2)

   95195C01.DAT               Canvas Triangular 22 x 18 Carousel Roof (Formed - Shape 1)
   changed to    Canvas Triangular 22 x 18 Carousel Roof (Formed Shape 1)

   95195C02.DAT               Canvas Triangular 22 x 18 Carousel Roof (Formed - Shape 2)
   changed to    Canvas Triangular 22 x 18 Carousel Roof (Formed Shape 2)

   96910.DAT                  Gold Ingot
   changed to    Tile  1 x  2 Chamfered with 2 Top Indentations

   98100.DAT                  Brick  2 x  2 Round Sloped
   changed to    Cone  2 x  2 Truncated

   3004S60.DAT                ~Pattern Shell Logo I
   changed to    ~Pattern Shell Logo 1971

   50947S01.DAT               ~Car Mudguard  4.5 x  1 x  1 without top face
   changed to    ~Car Mudguard  4.5 x  1 x  1 without Top Face

   6153S01.DAT                ~Wedge  6 x  4 without Front Faces
   changed to    ~Wedge  6 x  4 without Front Faces and Notches Areas

   6595A.DAT                  ~6595 wheel 11 sections
   changed to    ~Wheel 25 x 28 VR with 35mm Diameter Rear Rim

   6595B.DAT                  ~6595 wheel 12 sections
   changed to    ~Wheel 25 x 28 VR with 35mm Diameter Rear Rim without Axle Hole

   98100S01.DAT               ~Brick  2 x  2 Round Sloped without Top Surface
   changed to    ~Cone  2 x  2 Truncated without Top Surface

   U9328C01.DAT               Canvas Tepee Cover Formed
   changed to    Canvas Tepee Cover (Formed)

Other Fixed Parts
   BUSHLOC2.DAT               Bush Lock 2
   STUD10.DAT                 Stud For Round   2 x  2 Parts
   14295.DAT                  Minifig Skirt  1.5L Fringed
   16820.DAT                  Minifig Skirt  0.7L with 11 Diamond Points
   18200.DAT                  Minifig Skirt  1.5L Fringed with Stepped Edge
   21490.DAT                  Figure Friends Cape Cloth Short with 2 Bottom Curves and 4 Heart Shaped Holes
   24593.DAT                  Cylinder Half  2 x  4 x  2 with  1 x  2 Cutout
   2618.DAT                   Cockpit 10 x 10 x  4 Octagonal Base
   30102.DAT                  Door  2 x  8 x  6 Revolving
   30156.DAT                  Panel  4 x  6 x  6 Sloped
   32828.DAT                  Plate  1 x  1 Round with Bar
   3626BPS4.DAT               Minifig Head with SW Grey Beard and Eyebrows Pattern
   3820.DAT                   Minifig Hand
   384.DAT                    Cardboard Trading Card
   4150P02.DAT                Tile  2 x  2 Round with Pizza Pattern
   50231.DAT                  Minifig Cape Cloth
   50231C01.DAT               Minifig Cape Cloth (Formed)
   50231P01C01.DAT            Minifig Cape Cloth with Inside Dark Red Pattern (Formed)
   50947.DAT                  Car Mudguard  4.5 x  1 x  1
   56630.DAT                  Minifig Cape Cloth Scalloped  5 Points
   56630C01.DAT               Minifig Cape Cloth Scalloped  5 Points (Formed)
   600880.DAT                 Minifig Skirt  1.1L with Straight Bottom
   600880P01.DAT              Minifig Skirt  1.1L with Straight Bottom with Dark Green Apron Pattern
   6051.DAT                   ~Boat Bow 12 x 12 x  5.333 Hull Inside (Needs Work)
   60601.DAT                  Glass for Window  1 x  2 x  2 without Sill
   61898A.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 10 x 10 Disc with Eye Pattern
   61898B.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 13 x 26 Propellor
   61898BC01.DAT              Sheet Plastic 13 x 26 Propellor (Formed)
   61898C.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 18 x 66 Propellor
   61898CC01.DAT              Sheet Plastic 18 x 66 Propellor (Formed)
   61898D.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 24 x 25 Rectangle
   61898E.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 11 x 25 Rectangle
   61898F.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 11 x 13 Disc with Base with Graduated Dial Pattern
   6199.DAT                   Belville Swing
   64991.DAT                  Sail Trapezoidal 28 x 17
   64991C01.DAT               Sail Trapezoidal 28 x 17 (Formed Shape 1)
   64991C02.DAT               Sail Trapezoidal 28 x 17 (Formed Shape 2)
   64991C03.DAT               Sail Trapezoidal 28 x 17 (Formed Shape 3)
   6542A.DAT                  Technic Gear 16 Tooth with Clutch
   71396P01C01.DAT            Canvas Wagon Cover with Crossed Cutlasses Pattern (Formed)
   792C03.DAT                 Brick  2 x  2 Arm Holder with Hole and 2 Arms (Complete)
   85651.DAT                  Sail Triangular 17 x 21
   86038.DAT                  Minifig Cape Cloth with Holes and Tattered Edges
   86038C01.DAT               Minifig Cape Cloth with Holes and Tattered Edges (Formed)
   87079PZ4.DAT               Tile  2 x  4 with Brickheadz Seasonal Calendar Pattern
   92088.DAT                  Train Base  6 x 24 with  6 Holes, Twin  2 x  2 Cutouts and Reinforced Underside
   93668.DAT                  Sheet Plastic 15 x 14 Curved
   93668C01.DAT               Sheet Plastic 15 x 14 Curved (Formed Shape 1)
   93668P01.DAT               Sheet Plastic 15 x 14 Curved with Hieroglyphs Pattern
   93668P01C01.DAT            Sheet Plastic 15 x 14 Curved with Hieroglyphs Pattern (Formed Shape 1)
   95195.DAT                  Canvas Triangular 22 x 18 Carousel Roof
   96714.DAT                  Sail Trapezoidal 17.5 x 12.5
   96714C01.DAT               Sail Trapezoidal 17.5 x 12.5 (Formed)
   97122.DAT                  Curtain for Window  1 x  4 x  3 with Red/Green/Dark Flesh Plaid Pattern
   973P84.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Four Button Suit and Train Logo Pattern
   973PH1.DAT                 Minifig Torso with Gryffindor Uniform Pattern
   99464.DAT                  Minifig Cape Cloth Short
   99464C01.DAT               Minifig Cape Cloth Short (Formed)
   30102S01.DAT               ~Door  2 x  8 x  6 Revolving without Front and Back
   32551S01.DAT               ~Technic Hook with Axle - Hook tip
   3822S01.DAT                ~Door  1 x  3 x  1 Left without Front Face and Stud
   88000S01.DAT               ~Plate  2 x  4 with 2 Studs with Curved, Beveled Sides - Quarter
   SWH1.DAT                   ~Click Lock Hinge Half Dual Finger
   SWH4.DAT                   ~Click Lock Hinge Half Dual Finger Wedged
   U1023A.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 11 x 27 Trapezoidal
   U1023B.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 14 x 20 Triangular
   U1023C.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 11 x 20 Trapezoidal
   U1023D.DAT                 Sheet Plastic 10 x 17 Trapezoidal
   U572P01.DAT                Baseplate 60 x 68 Cardboard with Wild West Scene Pattern
   U66.DAT                    Sheet Plastic  6 x 12 Triangular
   U66C01.DAT                 Sheet Plastic  6 x 12 Triangular (Formed Shape 1)
   U66C02.DAT                 Sheet Plastic  6 x 12 Triangular (Formed Shape 2)
   U66P01.DAT                 Sheet Plastic  6 x 12 Triangular with Blue and Red Triangles and Blue Lines Pattern
   U66P01C01.DAT              Sheet Plastic  6 x 12 Triangular with Blue and Red Triangles and Blue Lines Pattern (Formed Shape 1)
   U66P01C02.DAT              Sheet Plastic  6 x 12 Triangular with Blue and Red Triangles and Blue Lines Pattern (Formed Shape 2)
   U9209.DAT                  Minifig Skirt  1.4L with Straight Bottom
   U9209P01.DAT               Minifig Skirt  1.4L with Straight Bottom with White Apron with Lace Pattern
   U9328.DAT                  Canvas Tepee Cover
   U9331.DAT                  Cardboard Ramp 16 x 14
   U9331C01.DAT               Cardboard Ramp 16 x 14 (Formed)