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61 lines
2.7 KiB
61 lines
2.7 KiB
0 Minifig Torso with SW Shirt (Open Collar, No Vest) Pattern
0 Name: 973ps4.dat
0 Author: Matt Schild [mschild]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2002-03
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt
0 !KEYWORDS Star Wars, Han Solo, Harrison Ford, carbonite, Jabba the Hutt
0 !KEYWORDS Tattooine
0 !HISTORY 2001-10-25 [pneaster] fixed overlapping pieces, fixed winding.
0 !HISTORY 2002-02-14 [fwcain] changed hard-coded color-15 to color-16...
0 !HISTORY 2002-04-12 [fwcain] added Keywords...
0 !HISTORY 2002-06-11 [PTadmin] Official Update 2002-03
0 !HISTORY 2007-07-29 [PTadmin] Header formatted for Contributor Agreement
0 !HISTORY 2008-07-01 [PTadmin] Official Update 2008-01
1 0 0 -4 0 4.243 0 -4.243 0 -8 0 -4.243 0 -4.243 1-4cyli.dat
1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\973s01.dat
4 16 -19 32 10 19 32 10 19 29 10 -19 29 10
4 16 19 29 10 -19 29 10 -14.345 2 10 14.345 2 10
4 16 12 0 10 -12 0 10 -14.345 2 10 14.345 2 10
0 patterned front
4 16 -7 0 -10 -12 0 -10 -14.345 2 -10 -5 4 -10
4 16 7 0 -10 12 0 -10 14.345 2 -10 4 4 -10
4 16 6 13 -10 19 29 -10 14.345 2 -10 4 4 -10
4 16 -5 4.25 -10 -2.334 11.037 -10 -3.65 12.5 -10 -6.75 12.75 -10
4 14 -7 0 -10 7 0 -10 3.75 2 -10 -3 1.75 -10
4 14 -4.25 2.75 -10 4.25 2.75 -10 3.75 2 -10 -3 1.75 -10
4 14 -4.25 2.75 -10 4.25 2.75 -10 4 4 -10 -5 4 -10
4 16 6 13 -10 19 29 -10 -5 32 -10 -5 14 -10
4 0 -5.25 14.278 -10 -5.25 32 -10 -5 32 -10 -5 14 -10
4 0 -4.5 13.75 -10 5.75 12.75 -10 6 13 -10 -5 14 -10
4 0 4 4 -10 3.75 4.5 -10 5.75 12.75 -10 6 13 -10
4 0 4 4 -10 3.75 4.5 -10 -4.5 13.75 -10 -5 14 -10
4 0 4 4 -10 4.25 2.75 -10 4.5 2.75 -10 4.25 3.5 -10
4 0 4 2 -10 4.5 2.75 -10 4.25 2.75 -10 3.75 2 -10
4 0 7 0 -10 6.5 0.5 -10 4 2 -10 3.75 2 -10
4 0 7 0 -10 6.5 0.5 -10 4.25 3.5 -10 4 4 -10
4 0 -7 13 -10 -6.75 12.75 -10 -3.65 12.5 -10 -3.865 12.739 -10
4 0 -7 13 -10 -6.75 12.75 -10 -5 4.25 -10 -5 4 -10
4 0 -2.334 11.037 -10 -2.097 10.774 -10 -5 4 -10 -5 4.25 -10
4 0 -5 4 -10 -5 3.75 -10 -4.5 2.75 -10 -4.25 2.75 -10
4 0 -3.25 1.75 -10 -3 1.75 -10 -4.25 2.75 -10 -4.5 2.75 -10
4 0 -3.25 1.75 -10 -3 1.75 -10 -7 0 -10 -6.75 0.25 -10
4 0 -5 4 -10 -5 3.75 -10 -6.75 0.25 -10 -7 0 -10
3 16 -14.435 2 -10 -5 4 -10 -7 13 -10
3 16 -14.435 2 -10 -19 29 -10 -7 13 -10
3 16 -19 32 -10 -19 29 -10 -7 13 -10
3 16 -19 32 -10 -5.25 32 -10 -7 13 -10
3 16 -3.865 12.739 -10 -5.25 14.278 -10 -7 13 -10
3 16 -6.75 0.25 -10 -4.5 2.75 -10 -3.25 1.75 -10
3 16 -6.75 0.25 -10 -4.5 2.75 -10 -5 3.75 -10
3 16 6.5 0.5 -10 4.5 2.75 -10 4 2 -10
3 16 3.75 4.5 -10 5.75 12.75 -10 -4.5 13.75 -10
3 14 -5 4 -10 4 4 -10 -2.097 10.774 -10
3 16 6.5 0.5 -10 4.5 2.75 -10 4.25 3.5 -10
3 16 -5.25 14.278 -10 -5.25 32 -10 -7 13 -10
3 16 -5 32 -10 19 29 -10 19 32 -10