
3.3 KiB

1 - Variables

Variables defined using #= can't be changed (they are "final"), while the ones affected using the normal operator (=) can.

helloworld #= "Hello, World!"

2 - (Anonymous) Functions

You can make an anonymous functions using the following syntax:

getHelloWorld: ~String => {
  return "Hello, World!"

The type (~String here, which basically means "an anonymous function that returns a String") can be omitted, see #3.

Note that you can make getHelloWorld final by replacing => with #=>.

To define a named (and mandatorily final) function, replace => with >>:

getHelloWorld: String >> {
  return "Hello, World!"

2.1 - Main

Main can be a variable named main that contains an anonymous function, a function named main or a function that has the as_main attribute:

main #=> {}
main >> {}
as_main helloWorld >> {}

2.2 - Function parameters

Parameters can be added to an anonymous function by specifying the types as follows:

addIntToString (int, String) => { a, b;
  println(b + a)

Named functions can have parameters (with mandatory names) like in this example:

addIntToString(a: Int, b: String) => {
  println(b + a)

2.3 - Function calls

A function can be simply invoked like this if it has no parameters:


If a function does have parameters, you can call it with arguments in the right order; if the function is not anonymous, it's also possible to call it by using the names of the corresponding parameters:

addNumbers(int a, int b, int c, int d) >> {
  println(a + b + c + d)
addNumbers(1, 2, 3, 4) # Call without names
addNumbers(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4) # Call with names
addNumbers(1, c = 3, b = 2, d = 4)

Note that print and println are the functions that will get transpiled to their equivalents.

3 - Types

Types are inferred, which means that specifying types of variables or returned values is optional.

Note: While primitives types (String, int, double, boolean, float) will be transpiled to their equivalents for the target of the transpiler, this is not the case for other types.

Every variable has a static type by default; it is possible to make a non-final variable dynamic by adding dyn/dynamic to the attributes or making it the return type:

dyn helloWorld = 0 # helloWorld: dyn = 0 would also work
helloWorld = "Hello, World!"

The attributes/return types mentioned above can also be used for functions/anonymous functions:

helloWorld: ~dynamic => { return 0 }
dyn helloWorld >> { return 0 } # could be written as helloWorld: dyn >> { return 0 }

4 - Comments

You can add comments to your code; see the following examples showcasing the available syntaxes:

# This is a simple comment
// This is another comment
int ** This is a compact comment, you can insert it pretty much anywhere ** a = 1

5 - Classes

A class can be made with the keyword, their name, optional constructors (~()) where you can add parameters and code that will run when the class is instantiated, and the class body where you can define methods, properties etc:

class Program {
  hello #= "Hello"
  ~(str: String): () {
    print(", $str!\n")
  ~() {

main >> {